Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The President’s Murderer

Misaki Niikura

Author: Jennifer Bassett

Genre: mystery

Date started: March 7th

Date finished: March 9th

The main characters: Alex Dinon (a murderer), Felix (the inspector), Eva Hine (the Chief of Police), Marta (old woman), Olivia (Alex’s wife)

Alex killed the President, so he went to prison, but he escaped from prison. Felix followed him, but he lost Alex. The chief of Police was angry, and she said “Find Dinon quickly.”

Alex Dinon was forty kilometers south of the prison. He was tired and needed some sleep. Then the old woman helped him, because he was dirty, and hungry, and tired. He went to her house and ate some food. She noticed he was a murderer, but she didn’t tell the police, because she didn’t like the police.

Felix was called by the Chief. She said “We need to find Alex quickly.” He asked her “How did Dinon escape from prison?” “That’s not important now,” “Find him. And bring him back dead or alive!” the Chief said. “Dead?” he asked. “Dead man can’t talk. Now go!” Felix didn’t understand why she wanted Dinon dead.

Alex slept well, and next morning, he ate a big breakfast. Perhaps a man visited Marta’s house, and he told Marta and Alex the police would come here, because a woman told them about Alex. So Alex left the house quickly. He walked and ran all day and all night. Many people helped him, because they didn’t like the police, so he could escape.

Alex’s wife waited for him at an old house in Alex’s home town. Alex and his wife met here. He told her the truth. In fact, he didn’t kill the President. He knew real murderer’s name. The police knew that. But they put him in prison, because they needed a murderer.

Alex had to leave the next day. His wife cried. He left the home, and he walked quickly along the road. Suddenly he was killed by the soldiers. They had waited for him. Felix wanted to know the truth, but he couldn’t ask Alex.

Later that day Felix asked the Chief about the truth, but she didn’t answer. She said “Perhaps you need a new job. Think about it…very carefully.” Felix said “I’d like to know the murderer’s name, and I’m going to find it.” He went out and closed the door, for the last time.

This book is so so, because this book is written about the police’s mind and the murderer’s (but he was not the true murderer) mind. It was interesting for me. And I wanted to know the truth, so I could read smoothly. But I didn’t know who the real murderer was, and why Alex could escape from the prison, and why the chief didn’t answer the truth. I want to know these things. I want to read a sequel.

This book was easy for me, because the English level of the book is elementary, so I could understand the story.

I recommend other students read this book. Maybe if you read this book, you will want to know the truth, so you will be able to read smoothly.


  1. It's a nice report, I want to read this book.

  2. i like mistery story!!
    when i was high school student, i did not like reading.
    but, i encountered a book. it was mistery. and when i read it, i became to like reading.
    i want to read this book.

  3. good job,you do it well down.I could thing the sotory and illustion the film. EXCITING.

  4. If I go to prison, I can escape from prison like a Michael Scofield.

  5. I think I can't escape like him!
    very exciting!

  6. This is my second times to see this book. Absolutely, i did not who is the munder.I think it is not good than ke nan the detecter.it is ok. i am intered in read my enjoyable book if i dont like i usually did not read.

  7. are there anyone know the truth?
    i think everything should start from the new President.
    he is a dangerous president.
