Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A Room with a View

Name: Iyona Matsuda


Genre: Love story

Date started: 16th of March

Date finished: 23rd of March

About the story

The main characters are two girls. One girl is Lucy and the other is Charlotte. Lucy is a beautiful girl, visiting Italy for the first time. Gorge Emerson is a young Englishman, on holiday and staying in the same hotel as Lucy.

One day, Lucy and Emerson met at a church and they looked at a murder. Emerson held her by his hand and helped her. After that, Lucy finds herself falling in love with him slowly.

Responding to the book

This book was hard to read for me because a lot of people appear in this book. So until I kept reading, I could not recognize who the various people were. At first, I returned to earlier pages to help me recognize them. If I could have recognized who each was clearly, I could have read more smoothly and happily.

In the middle of this book, I could not understand who was who, what happened to who and who thought something, so to tell the truth, I don’t know if I like this book or not. However, I think that maybe I should like this book because this book is a love story.

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